Thursday, 27 February 2025

Bannerman (1974, Charlie Chester)


Another stab at literature from comedian Charlie Chester, Bannerman gives new meaning to the term 'multi-genred' beginning in yob lit territory, suddenly becoming about boxing, then managing to work in wife swapping before becoming a war novel...and that's only in the initial fifty pages of this thing. If you're looking for evidence of Charlie Chester being a dirty old man, you've also come to the right place, we're barely off page one before he's banging on about schoolgirls... be in no doubt, Mister Chester likes his little girls in socks.

The book lead me to the still unsolved mystery of how Bannerman relates to Chester's earlier novel Bannerman Amen (1972), if it does at all. There's evidence throughout Bannerman of it being a sequel novel with lots of references to the protagonist Mick Bannerman being a chip off the old block, his father's son, just like his father etc, the impression that the exploits of Bannerman senior is something we should all be familiar with. Logically then you'd think that Bannerman Amen documented the story of Bannerman's father and this is Chester's 'Son of Bannerman' follow up. However, it appears that the main character in Bannerman Amen was called Vince Bannerman whereas Bannerman's father in this book is called Ben Bannerman. My theory is that Chester intended this as a sequel to Bannerman Amen, only for this idea to be nixed by New English Library who wouldn't have wanted to give Bannerman Amen any free publicity, since it was put out by another publisher and its existence worked against NEL's attempts to portray Bannerman as Chester's debut fictional novel. The back cover blurb claiming 'with Bannerman, Charlie Chester - an international star of entertainment -can now add novelist to his long list of talents'.

Chester's fame might have been a major selling point for the book, but he leaves his family friendly reputation at the door with Bannerman. The opening chapter finding the teenage Mick Bannerman being overcome with lust for a girl from his school, to the extent that he decides to rape her. 'It wasn't his fault that her long blonde silky hair, and her milky white skin with those delicate rosy cheeks had been driving him crazy with yearning for her'. The meticulous planning that goes into the rape and the explicit description of its execution leaves you with the uncomfortable feeling of being in the company of an author who was getting off on sexualizing a young girl and her rape 'with vicious thrusts he seemed to be severing her in two'. The narrative then turns its attention to Jimmy Wall, 'Brick' to his friends, a wannabe championship boxer and brother of Bannerman's victim, 'Goldilocks' to her friends. Being told of his sister's rape immediately before getting in the ring, leads Brick to lose control "just imagine what you would do if he was the bloke who raped young Goldilocks" working off his rage on his opponent, accidentally killing the man in the process.

Chester seems to have borrowed from his friend James Moffatt, when it comes to Bannerman reinventing himself as a social climber upon his release from borstal, marrying into money and becoming a successful businessman. Mirroring the storyline of Moffatt's skinhead series, whose protagonist Joe Hawkins went from anti-social menace to city slicker in the first sequel novel 'Suedehead'.

For the first half of the book Chester takes the unorthodox route of telling Bannerman's story entirely through the eyes of others. Namely Brick, presumably to give the book a moral centre, Brick being the type of principled, ethical pugilist who refuses to throw a fight, and suffers because of it. The other character whose rented eyes we see Bannerman through is his well to do wife Cora...for perhaps less moral reasons on Chester's part. Cora's back-story, and transition from girl to woman, allowing Chester the opportunity to return to his jailbait fixations. 'Even as a long legged juvenile, Cora had had something extra. The boys were crazy about her, and since then, nature had weaved it's miracle. The embarrassing little bumps on her chest had long since awakened to life and swelled with majestic feminine pride'. Chester's aversion to a first person narrative doesn't always pay off. As we are denied a firsthand audience with Bannerman himself for the opening half of the book, it's difficult to get much insight into what makes him tick, or how we're meant to feel about him. Were it not for the nasty business with the schoolgirl at the start of the book, Bannerman would come across as a Leslie Phillips type bounder whose crooked schemes and womanizing we might be persuaded to cheer on.

Strangely the point when Bannerman takes centre stage, is the point when the book hits a dull, uninteresting patch from which it never fully recovers. Falling asleep at the wheel during the third act being an unfortunate trait of Chester's books. Bannerman, now into middle age, decides to reinvent himself again as a mastermind behind several daring robberies and ultimately a plan to blackmail an insurance company. The problem with this part of the book is that Bannerman's non-violent, victimless, white collar crimes always entirely go to plan, hitting absolutely no hitches whatsoever, and thus generating little suspense or excitement.

The book only jump starts back to life, and reverts to its sleaze origins, when Bannerman seduces Margaret Sanderson, a prim and proper secretary, in order to extract information about the insurance company she works for. Even when the sex is consensual in Chester's books, it tends to be of the brutish and aggressive variety. That's how CC's women like it, "Ohhh god yes, hurt me" begs Sanderson. For an apparent lothario though, Bannerman is surprisingly uninspired when it comes to sexy time chat, repeating "Maggie, you're so lovely" to her over and over, then after their relationship has been consummated adding "my god, that was beautiful and quite a surprise in a way". Compare and contrast with Bannerman's swinger pal Max, who appears to have snapped up Chester's best bedroom chat up lines. "I'm a hunter, a confessed bull" he tells Cora, who also turns out to like it rough, crying out "That's it, make me pay, oh more, MORE, MAKE ME PAY".

Rumour has it that Chester 'wrote' his NEL books by dictating them in their entirety to his secretary, straight off the top of his head. Meaning that what you are reading is essentially straight from Chester's mind and onto the printed page, with very little by way of rewriting or editing. Terrible I know, but I can't help but be amused by the idea of a woman going to work as a secretary to Charlie Chester, no doubt expecting an atmosphere of music hall gayety, only to find herself typing out things like "if there's one way of getting a fire quicker than rubbing two sticks together, it's rubbing between a wife and a part time pussy". Chester's making-it-up-as-he-went-along approach lends the book an unpredictability. Say what you will about Bannerman but it's impossible to second guess where it's going, and it can feel like a completely different book to the one you were reading half an hour before. Bannerman is like getting lost in Charlie Chester's brain without a map, CC's grey matter being populated by sexy schoolgirls, Masai warriors, wife swappers, a phony reverend and homing pigeons, all of whom figure in Bannerman's storyline...somehow. However, while I have enjoyed other Chester books like Even the Rainbow's Bent and Symphony & Psychopath, the lacklustre third act means that this one was a step down for me. Bannerman is less a case of Bannerman Amen, and more Bannerman A-Mess.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Joe 12

 The end is nigh..the penultimate Joe D'Amato episode

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Blaze (1969, Kenneth Roberts)

Blaze and it's sequel Flame represent the deep end of slavery lit, a genre that by its very nature is extreme and distasteful. Author Kenneth Roberts seems to have attempted to make these two books stand out from the Mandingo inspired pack by cutting straight to the pornographic jugular. Leading you to suspect that Kenneth Roberts was a pen name, since it's hard to believe that anyone remotely sane would use their real name on a pair of books like these.


Blaze shackles us in chains and frog marches us back to the 1740s, a shameful period of American history, where a male slave called Blaze is subject to an endless parade of indignities, racial abuse and unwanted sexual attention. Blaze is initially sold to Von Schloss, a bi-sexual Dutchman, who likes his slaves 'silent... monolithic and in priapic splendor'. Josette, Von Schloss's wife, turns a blind eye to his homosexual inclinations in return for allowing her to romp around with the black bucks he owns. However, Von Schloss predictably insists on a front row seat to the mixed combo action between Blaze and Josette. Blaze thinks he has landed on his feet, by becoming the sexual plaything of a rich, swinging couple. However, he is brought back down to earth when Von Schloss (literally) sells him down the river, passing him onto two of his associates. Tommy Scott, about the only decent whitey in the entire book, and Tommy's hard drinking brother Hugh, a no good bossman with an unfortunate habit of getting raging hard-ons whilst dishing out punishments to male slaves.


Roberts throws in all the elements - whippings, castration, racial slurs and interracial sex- that slavery lit loving audiences were crying out for back then. Roberts might have been a little ahead of his time too, his hypersexual narrative and graphic descriptions of sex acts anticipate the big screen 'porno chic' trend by a few years. The sexual demands placed on Blaze's muscular shoulders include servicing the black wenches owned by the Scott brothers for breeding purposes. As well as more socially taboo affairs with 'respectable' women like Josette and Miss Dolly, a randy Scouse trollop, fresh off the boat from Liverpool. All of which leads Blaze to the weary conclusion "I's a walkin' pair o' balls, nuthin' mo". A maxim repeated throughout the book, much to the amusement of racist white characters.


What's really surprising for something written in 1969, is how blatantly bi-sexual orientated this book is, with much of the unwanted sexual attention in the book coming from sexually adventurous white males. All of whom keep finding reason to play with Blaze's oversized penis and heavy ballsack (physical attributes that Roberts never tires of describing). It's not just whitey that Blaze has to fear, at one point Blaze is tricked into being fellated by a fellow slave called Teach, who is masquerading as one of the black wenches. Upon being discovered, Teach tries to sell Blaze on the gay lifestyle by telling him "likin' it, wasn't yo? Buck's Jes's good's a wench. Betta sometimes". The book pushes the homoerotic undercurrent of the slavery lit genre to the forefront, thanks to Hugh's lust/hate relationship with Blaze, which sees Hugh put Blaze through sadistic hell due to his closeted desire for this book, each man whups the thing he loves. The tide begins to turn when Blaze realizes that his coveted sexuality gives him power over both men and women. Ultimately, Blaze is an uplifting story of how one man's endowment can be weaponized against racial oppression.


Blaze was popular enough to warrant a sequel, Flame (1970) put out by the publishing arm of Warner less. This move into the big league didn't persuade Roberts to tone down the Blaze formula one bit. If anything Flame is even further beyond the pale than it's predecessor, with not even horses and children being spared Roberts' lechery in the sequel novel.


Blaze is the kind of book that robs you a little of your humanity and dignity, just by having read it. Your enjoyment of the book will depend on how much you can block out the voice in the back of your head from saying "you're a terrible person for reading this". At the same time Blaze feels on the money in terms of historical accuracy, being so entrenched in the dialect and social mores of the period, that it ends up feeling like a book written in the 1740s, rather than a product of the 20th century. A triumph in the field of wall to wall degeneracy, Blaze is strong, dark meat.

Dracula and the Virgins of the Undead (1974, James Moffatt)

Surely the only book about Dracula to include a reference to Larry Grayson - it's dedicated to 'Larry- don't ever shut that door'- and countless italicized plugs for Seagram's 100 Pipers. The latter should of course tip you off to this being the work of James Moffatt writing as Etienne Aubin...a name derived from Moffatt's 1971 book 'Demo' where that surname is shared between heroic frenchman Rolande Aubin and his sexy daughter Nanette Aubin.


Originally promoted by New English Library as if it were part of Robert Lory's Dracula book series, Moffatt instead looks to have taken inspiration from the Hammer Dracula movies of the period. The opening scene of a vampire being traced to its crypt and stake being driven into its heart, cries out for a James Bernard musical accompaniment. Only for Moffatt to then pick a fight with the film company, with derogatory references to 'Christopher Lee making a bomb from having plastic teeth inserted into the corners of his mouth. Pig's blood trickling down the chin of some sexy, busty, non-acting dish as she frolics in the near nude across an artificial stage forest'. Yes, what better way to integrate yourself with the horror aficionados of the 1970s, than to piss all over Hammer films. Still you have to hand it to Moffatt, Dracula and the Virgins of the Undead is one of the all time great, attention grabbing horror titles, and one he could have easily sold to Hammer's rivals like Amicus and Tigon...had he not hated Jewish people so much.


Reading Dracula and the Virgins of the Undead is an experience akin to a very drunk person trying to tell you a scary story, despite being well past the stage of being able to string a sentence together. A drunk's rendition of the plot here, would go something like this "remember Maud who lived down the road, yeah well the priest had to drive a stake through her heart because she'd become one of the virgins of the undead. Anyway, I called up my friends, Douglas and Stafford, and told them we needed to hunt down Count Dracula, because he's a right bastard in real life. Then we decided that Dracula must be posing as an astrologer, but we didn't know for sure, so me and Douglas we went to a stone circle, and got distracted by this bird in light Levi trousers who had great looking knockers. Oh and Douglas is a powerful warlock by the way, and he realized that I was possessed, so he had Stafford burn a chest of drawers in my backyard, then I wasn't possessed anymore. Then I got into an argument with Douglas, and he pissed off, so I looked at my watch and it was 12:47am so I decided to hunt Dracula myself, and I found him in a field, and said 'hey you' but he completely ignored me. Anyway, pour another Seagram's 100 Pipers, we're both gonna need it".


I'm unsure as to how I could be so entertained by a book that stumbles around and ungainly falls on its arse every time it tries to function as horror or tell an intelligible story. Dracula and the Virgins of the Undead has the feel of an 'in-between marriages' book. Moffatt's big theme towards the end of the book being whether the hero should rush into a second marriage, his first having ended on a bitter note, whether this will cramp his bachelor lifestyle, and most importantly how it will effect his relationship with his cat. Until you've read it for yourself, you wouldn't believe how much of this book is taken up by the man/feline relationship...come for Dracula and the Virgins of the Undead, and stay for the adventures of Whisk the cat. The big takeaway from the book being that- in Moffatt's eyes- men and cats are much preferable company to women and vampires. Whilst the other love of Moffatt's life, Seagram's 100 Pipers, receives such an overkill of product placement here that the book would have been more accurately titled The Seagramic Rites of Dracula. Speaking of order to trick the residents of Wiltshire and drink the blood of their womenfolk here Dracula is hiding out under the cunning name of Mister La Dacru...'cause that'll fool all those smart arses who saw through aliases like Dr. Acula and Alucard. James Moffatt...thank you, and also fuck you. Dracula and the Virgins of the Undead is the most fun you can have whilst having your intelligence insulted over 124 pages.